Congratulations to NTU faculty members elected as 34th AS academicians
Logistics 4.0 Workshop: Self-Driving Cars and the Future of Transportation.
A chain of transportation revolutions is drastically changing our life. Will our concept of distance change with the advent of the era of Logistics 4.0? If transportation efficiency is defined by speed, then what else will we expect from transportation besides speed? Will the forms of transportation and delivery undergo major transformations in the next decade? What do self-driving cars mean to our life, and how will they impact our lifestyle?
This Logistics 4.0 Workshop centers on human-centric self-driving cars and the future transportation, and will be held on March 24–25 at Room 505 in D-School@NTU. Sign up now and find the answers to these important questions together!
Workshop Registration and Contact:
Time: 09:00–17:30, March 24–25
Venue: Room 505 in D-School@NTU, NTU Complex for Research Excellence
Contact Person: Ting-Ting Chen (陳婷婷)
Mobile: 0955216931
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