

Congratulations to the 2023 NSTC Outstanding Research Award Winners!

Date: Mar 8, 2023

Image1:Congratulations to the 2023 NSTC Outstanding Research Award Winners!

Congratulations to the 2023 NSTC Outstanding Research Award Winners!

Leeyih Wang (王立義), Research Fellow, Center for Condense Matter Sciences (Chemistry)

Wen-Liang Lee (李文良), Professor, Department of History (History)

Shuei-Liong Lin (林水龍), Professor, the Graduate Institute of Physiology (Kidney Medicine)

Han-Mo Chiu (邱瀚模), Attending Doctor, NTUH Department of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)

Chia-Hung Hou (侯嘉洪), Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering (Environmental Engineering)

Kaiping Grace Yao (姚開屏), Professor, Department of Psychology (Psychology)

Wuh-Liang Hwu (胡務亮), Attending Doctor, NTUH Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Medicine)

Dun-Yen Kang (康敦彥), Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering (Chemical Engineering)

Li-Li Chang (張麗麗), Professor, Department of Chinese Literature (Linguistics)

Hsin-Hsi Chen (陳信希), Professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (Smart Computing)

Bing-Yu Chen (陳炳宇), Dean, School of Design and Innovation (Smart Computing)

Chih-Hung Peng (彭志宏), Associate Professor, Department of Information Management (Information Management)

Yu-tin Huang (黃宇廷), Professor, Department of Physics (Physics)

Kuan-Ying Arthur Huang (黃冠穎), Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Immunology (Microbial Immunity)

Hao-Li Liu (劉浩澧), Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)

Shou-Hsia Cheng (鄭守夏), Professor, Department of Public Health (Medical Management)

Min-Hui Lo (羅敏輝), Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences

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