NTU wins the 2024 “National Sustainable Development Awards” for exerting influence in higher education
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The 2024 ASPHER conference forum was held at the Almeida Garrett Library Conference Hall in Porto, Portugal.
GHP Director Kun-Hsien Tsai making a presentation at the 2024 ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat.
GHP Director Kun-Hsien Tsai (right) with ASPPH President Dr. Laura Magaña (left).
GHP Director Kun-Hsien Tsai (right) with ASPHER Secretary Director Dr. Robert Otok (left).
GHP Director Kun-Hsien Tsai (right) with ASPHER President Dr. Carlo Signorelli (left).
Following extensive deliberations among the 45 voting deans and directors, the application from NTU’s College of Public Health for membership of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER) was unanimously approved on June 5, 2024. The College of Public Health has thus become a rare non-EU ASPHER associate member and the only academic entity in Asia that holds membership of both ASPPH and ASPHER.
ASPHER currently has 150 public health organizations from 57 countries. ASPHER is the key independent European organization dedicated to improving and protecting public health by strengthening the education and training of public health professionals for both practice and research. It organizes the annual ASPHER Deans’ & Directors’ Retreat, featuring workshops, scientific presentations, poster displays, thematic forums, and networking opportunities.
On June 5, 2024, during the ASPHER closed-door meeting of leaders, Director Kun-Hsien Tsai from NTU's College of Public Health Global Health Program (GHP) presented the project report. Project Coordinator Kun-Hong Chiang elaborated on NTU's achievements in global engagement. Subsequently, there were discussions and inquiries regarding the membership application of the NTU College of Public Health’s Global Health Program. NTU's College of Public Health is the third member approved in East Asia, alongside Mongolia and Japan, and the first academic institution in Taiwan to join ASPHER.
In the future, NTU's College of Public Health will actively engage in ASPHER’s public health-related activities, forging networks and partnerships with ASPHER members and collaborators. The college will facilitate teaching and research collaborations between NTU faculty and ASPHER partner institutions. Through ASPHER's network, NTU's College of Public Health aims to enhance its visibility in Europe, encouraging more European students to consider applying to the college.
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